Page 203 - Demo
P. 203

      13. To approve suitable policies on insider trading, whistle-blowing, risk management, and any other policies as may be required under the SeBI listing Regulations or any other Applicable laws;
14. To approve the list of ‘group of companies’ of the Bank, identified pursuant to the materiality policy adopted by the Board, for the purposes of disclosure in the DRHp, RHp and prospectus;
15. To appoint, in consultation with the BRLMs, the registrar and other intermediaries to the Issue, in accordance with the provisions of the SEBI Regulations and other Applicable Laws including legal counsels, banks or agencies concerned and entering into any agreements or other instruments for such purpose, to remunerate all such intermediaries/agencies including the payments of commissions, brokerages, etc. and to terminate any agreements or arrangements with such intermediaries/ agents; and
16. to delegate any of its powers set out under (1) to (15) hereinabove, as may be deemed necessary and permissible under Applicable Laws to the officials of the Bank.
15. BuSineSS Strategy cOmmittee
a. the Bank has constituted a Business Strategy Committee to review and provide inputs to the business plans of each line of business with a specific focus on growth, strategy and productivity.
    mr. nitin chugh
  Chairman of the Business Strategy Committee
Brief profile: Nitin Chugh is the Managing Director and Ceo of the Bank. He holds a bachelor’s degree in technology (electrical engineering) from Kurukshetra university and a professional diploma in marketing management from All India Management Association. He has previously worked with HDFC Bank limited, Standard Chartered Bank, HCl, Hewlett packard limited and Modi Xerox Limited.
Nature of Expertise: Banking
 b. the composition of Business Strategy Committee and the details of meetings attended by its members are given below:
 Sr. no.
  Name of director
   Number of meetings during fy 2019-20
  % of attendance
   held during their tenure
  1. Mr. nitin Chugh*
2. Mr. Samit Kumar Ghosh**
3. Ms. Mona Kachhwaha
4. Mr. Jayanta Kumar Basu
5. Mr. Sachin Bansal***
6. Mr. luis Miranda****
Chairman –Managing Director and Ceo
ex-Chairman –ex-Managing Director and Ceo
Member - Non-Executive, Non-Independent Director
Member – non-executive, non-Independent Director
Ex-Member- Independent Director
Ex-Member-Independent Director
1 1 100
1 1 100
2 2 100
2 2 100
1 1 100
2 2 100
           * Joined the Committee w.e.f December 01, 2019
** Moved out from the Committee w.e.f December 01, 2019 due to retirement
*** Joined the Committee w.e.f June 01, 2019 and moved out w.e.f January 27, 2020 due to resignation **** Moved out from the Committee w.e.f March 22, 2020 due to resignation
c. During FY 2019-20, 2 (two) meetings of the Business Strategy Committee were held on the following dates:
16. BuSineSS cOntinuity mOnitOring cOmmittee
a. Considering the frequently changing environment, current economic uncertainty and volatility due to the pandemic and the potential impact that these may have on the business, risks and the regulatory compliance the Bank would be subjected too, the Bank has constituted this Committee on March 29, 2020 to advise, monitor and assess the social, financial, business, credit and risk impact under the current economic scenario.
 Date of Business Strategy Committee meeting
  Total number of members
  Number of members present
 July 24, 2019
February 03, 2020
5 5
4 4

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