Page 281 - Demo
P. 281

Notes to financial statements
for the year ended March 31, 2020
the quantitative disclosures as required by the above referred RBI circular dated April 17, 2020 are given below:
(` in 000's)
Respective amounts in SMA/overdue categories, where the moratorium/deferment was extended, in terms of 1,296,988.17 paragraph 2 and 3 of the circular
term loan Instalments: `12,89,500 (000's)
Cash Credit / overdraft :`7,488 (000's)
Respective amount where asset classification benefits is extended 359,584.50 term loan Instalments: `359585 (000's)
Cash Credit / overdraft : `nil
provisions made during the quarter ended March 31, 2020 in terms of para 5 of the circular* 489,733.81 provisions adjusted during the respective accounting periods against slippages in terms of paragraph - 6 of the circular
Residual provisions as of March 31, 2020 in terms of paragraph 6 of the circular - *the provision held by the Bank are in excess of the RBI prescribed norms.
           35 seCuRITIzATION TRANsACTION
the details of Securitization deals outstanding as at March 31, 2020 and as at March 31, 2019 as below.
(` in 000's)
As at 31/03/2020
As at 31/03/2019
   no. of SpVs sponsored by the Bank for securitization transactions 1
total amount of securitized assets as per books of the SpVs sponsored by the Bank 908,318 (Includes MRR portion of `2,08,381 (000's)
total amount of exposures retained by the Bank to comply with MRR as on the date of balance sheet -
a) off balance sheet exposures -
First loss -
others -
b) on-balance sheet exposures -
First loss 276,505
others -
Amount of exposures to securitization transactions other than MRR -
a) off balance sheet exposures -
i) exposure to own securitizations - First loss - loss -
ii) exposure to third party securitizations - First loss - others -
b) on balance sheet exposures -
i) exposure to own securitizations - First loss - others -
ii) exposure to third party securitizations - First loss - others -

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