Page 144 - Maintex Catalog
P. 144
Floor Pads
Why Accept Anything Less Why Accept Anything Less
• Specially formulated to biodegrade* in a fraction
• Specially formulated to biodegrade* in a fraction
of the time that it takes conventional floor pads
of the time that it takes conventional floor pads
once discarded into an active landfill.
once discarded into an active landfill.
• Leaves no toxins or toxic remnants in the
• Leaves no toxins or toxic remnants in the
• Methane, a by-product that occurs during the environment.
biodegradation process, can be captured and
• Methanec,oanvberyt-edprinotdo uencetrgtyhwahteorecfcaucirlistiedsuerxiinstg.**the
**For a current listing of The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s biodegradation process, can be captured and
Landfill Methane Outreach Program (LMOP) convertedvisitinh tpo://wewnwe.eprag.goyv/lwmohp.ere facilities exist.**
**For a current listing of The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Landfill Methane Outreach Program (LMOP)
visit h p://
Dominator High Performance Strip Pad
High performance pad for the heaviest stripping jobs with extra abrasives for maximum power. Removes the worst buildup and heel marks. Open web design is tear resistant, durable and enhances clean up under water.
2251129 12” 5/case
2251130 13” 5/case
2251131 14” 5/case
2251132 16” 5/case
2251170 17” 5/case 2251180 18” 5/case 2251190 19” 5/case 2251200 20” 5/case
Eco Prep Strip Pad
Use wet or dry to remove oor nish without the use of harsh chemicals. Excellent for repairing acrylic or urethane nishes for recoating.
3M High Productivity Pad 7300
Quickly and thoroughly removes old oor nish, dirt and buildup. Unique, open web construction allows stripping solution to ow through pad to rinse out dirt and reduce loading for increased pad- to- oor contact and ef cient stripping.
2286180 17” 5/case 2286200 20” 5/case
Maroon Conditioning
Wood oor conditioning pad. Creates a very ne cut pattern between coats on cured urethane nish, especially water based urethane. Machine Speed: Up to 350 RPM
12” 10/case 13” 10/case 14” 10/case 16” 10/case 17” 10/case 20” 10/case 14x20” 10/case 14x28” 10/case
20” 10/case
Black Strip Pad
Black nylon ber combined with aggressive abrasives for heavy duty stripping. Cleans up quickly under running water. Long lasting performance.
2255120 12” 5/case 2255130 13” 5/case 225514 14” 5/case 2255150 15” 5/case 2255160 16” 5/case 2255177 17” 5/case 2255180 18” 5/case
2255199 19” 5/case
2255200 20” 5/case
2255210 21” 5/case 2255220 22” 5/case 225624 24” 5/case 2257274 27” 5/case
2255221 14x20” 5/case
2255222 14x28” 5/case
Brown Stripping Floor Pads
Brown stripping pad designed for wet or dry stripping applications. Aggressively removes wax, dirt, and old nish, leaving surface ready for re nishing. For use with machines up to 350 RPM.
22400217 17” 5/case
Buf ng & Polishing
White Polish Pad
Extra ne white pad for dry polishing, spray buf ng and light cleaning. Produces a high gloss wet look in polishing applications. For use with 175-2000 rpm machines.
2253120 12” 5/case 2253130 13” 5/case 225314 14” 5/case 2253150 15” 5/case 2253160 16” 5/case 2253170 17” 5/case 2253180 18” 5/case 2253190 19” 5/case 2253200 20” 5/case 2253210 21” 5/case 225224 24” 5/case 262471 27” 2/case 22521420 14 x 20 5/case
Full Cycle
Los Angeles: (800) 446-1888
San Diego: (800) 261-4456
Reduce Reuse Recycle
Full Cycle
Cleaning Tools