Page 2 - Maintex Enquirer - 1st Quarter
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Maintex on the Move 2017 in Review
Linda Silverman
Welcome to the New Year! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday with family and friends. We are about to begin another exci ng year of growth and improvement at Maintex, but before we do, I would like to take a moment and revisit four areas in which we gained some very posi ve momentum in 2017 that we will be building on this year:
Branding - A er launching our new website in 2016, we started implemen ng the refreshed Maintex brand in all of our company materials. Beginning with the terri c Maintex Brand Guidelines designed by Ronnie Robinson, we standardized our sales presenta ons, marke ng collateral, videos, signage, announcements and more with our new and improved branding and messaging. The result is a high-impact and cohesive look and feel on everything that represents the company, including our new catalog!
Performance Measurement - Truly great companies always have systems in place to measure the performance of their team members. The process holds all individuals accountable for their ac ons and also helps iden fy talent and mentoring opportuni es within an organiza on. Finally, measurement o ers a method to help individuals improve and rewards that improvement. We started with Stu and I developing our own metrics - the goals by which our success is measured, followed by the Management Team developing theirs. We then documented the performance expecta ons of management teams. It’s an evolving process that takes  me to completely implement in an organiza on, but we made great progress last year and will be involving more of the company in metrics in the future – an ini a ve that will bene t everyone and keep us on track.
Training - Last year was a turning point for us in designing our new and improved training programs and posi oning our training services to our clients. We produced mul ple videos and printed guidelines for several di erent cleaning procedures in Housing Communi es as well as on general Carpet Care, Floor Care and Dilu on Solu on. [For more details, see my ar cle Lights! Camera! Ac on! On Page 4] Restroom and General Cleaning videos will be in produc on shortly.
We also took a giant leap forward in our internal training materials. We now have a four-day, comprehensive training program on chemicals and procedures that is branded and ready to go. This will serve many func ons: on-boarding training for new employees, a tutorial for customer service reps and salespeople and as an overall refresher for all employees who want to enhance their knowledge. In all, we have a Training Package of nine Presenta on decks that cover Overall Chemicals. Restroom Care, Carpet Care, Floor Care, and General Cleaning [relevant chemicals and procedures].
Con nued on the next page...
Technology - We have never been more connected or e cient than we are now! There is a lot of room to grow in this area, but last year, Danny, Jerry Z and John Herrera stepped up and implemented some major improvements on SX that enhanced our data analy cs and repor ng capabili es. An example is Google Docs - a shared  le system that helps people collaborate more e ciently and expedites our access to company informa on and design standards. These systems and the launch of Storefront’s 24/7 on-line ordering system gives us terri c new capabili es that take us to the next level.

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