Page 24 - Naked Foodies - July 2021
P. 24

   By Christopher Venter
Over the last twenty years, I have worked hard to carve out a somewhat adventurous and oft times unconventional culinary career. My journey (as is the case with many young aspiring chefs) commenced right at the bottom of the line in a busy hotel. Once qualified, I ploughed my way around the world feeding thousands of hungry patrons. My clients ranged from army platoons to ‘overalled’ workers on oil rigs craving some home cooking. A new contract and quick transition saw the creation of fine dining feasts for Governors in residence to churning out burgers and chips lunches for holiday makers on tour. It has been challenging but rewarding work, if not financially so. My specialty is in development and training. I would help set up a client’s new Kitchen from scratch or repair a broken kitchen.
From menu design, budget management, staff training and setting-up supply chain to scrubbing pots, I have done a bit of everything. As I am a sucker for adventure, I focused on doing this work in far flung remote destinations.
My contracts took me to every corner of the globe and often landed me in paradise. There were also a few real shit holes if I am honest. I got to explore and experience places like the South Atlantic Island of Saint Helena where the French Emperor, Napoléon Bonaparte, was exiled and eventually took his last breath. I juggled my time in the kitchen on Little Cayman Island working for a coral reef research station, with time underwater scuba diving the coral reefs of Bloody Bay. In Belize, I would

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