Page 5 - Naked Foodies - July 2021
P. 5

     More than a successful formula, a philosophy that Pentole Agnelli has been able to affirm since its inception and that today, after more than 110 years, he carries on perfecting it. A history of over a century. It was 1907, in fact, when Baldassare Agnelli, leader of Alluminio Agnelli, made professional pots in Aluminium for the first time. A single element behind the cooking tools that were supposed to dazzle the aristocracy chefs: ergonomics. The company that represents the excellence of professional pots in Italy, for the natural vocation to produce pots able to satisfy the most demanding chefs, with its different collections of Pots therefore respond naturally to the growing demand for enthusiasts and gourmets looking for an Agnelli pot to try, with ease and wisdom, in exceptional culinary home preparation.
All Agnelli's collections for home kitchens follow the same production philosophy as the professional pots used in restaurants still characterized today by the craftsmanship of the product, to respond to the requests and desires of ordinary but demanding users. Today Baldassare Agnelli and his son Angelo, respectively third and fourth generation of the family at the head of the company, speaking about the pot describe its philosophy "For us there is everything behind the pot. There is the present, there is the future, but above all there is our history. A company that has over a century of history, we were born together with the Italian catering". Angelo continues "Over the years we have followed and accompanied the chefs adapting the cooking tools to the needs of catering. In short, we do not feel only partners in the world of catering but also and above all accomplices and the cooking enthusiast knows it very well".
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