Page 15 - Royton Connected - June 2018
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 What’s On Guide
  Glitz & Glamour RDA Launch Party Money raised will be used for specialist equipment or disabled children and adults to experience the freedom of horse riding.
Tickets are £15 and to book, contact Helen Taylor on: 07715914096
   Shaw Cricket Club
Under 9’s/under 11’s indoor training Tuesdays 6-7pm Crompton House sports hall
Cost £3 per session New players welcome Contact Craig for details 07976 474087
Mark Lane Shaw, Oldham OL2 8QG
Oldham Coliseum Theatre production - Bread & Roses
Friday 22nd June - Saturday 7th July
Full price: £16 - £23 Concessions: £16 – £21 Get In! Under 26/NUS: £7
More information at
Celebrity Dance Event - Dr Kershaw’s Supporter Event
Saturday, June 30th
Dr Kershaw’s Celebrity Dance Event at The Queen Elizabeth Hall. Watch as celebrities from TV dance for Dr Kershaws Hospice.
Tickets: £50pp plus a 3 course meal. Event runnig from 7pm until late To book please contact:
0161 624 9984
Queen Elizabeth Hall West Street Oldham
Wellifest 2018
Come along and enjoy and evening of live music at the Saddleworth Show 2018 with Wellifest 2018.
A fantastic line up of tribute acts and local bands including a Britney Spears Tribute Act, Lionel Richie Tribute and Boy George Tribute Act plus more!
Tickets must be purchased in advance from either the website of The Royal George, Greenfield which is situated opposite the show ground.
Tickets are £15 per person - a 50p booking fee applies if booked online.
Gates open at 3pm, the first band to appear on stage at 4pm.
Well-i-Hole Farm Greenfield Oldham, OL3 7HY
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