Page 14 - Royton Connected - July 2018
P. 14
What’s On Guide
The Park Inn
Buckstones Road, Shaw
Quiz Night
Every Thursday 9pm
Includes freshly prepared home cooked food
Chadderton Market
Every Wednesday, 9-4pm Chadderton Precinct Oldham, OL9 0LQ
Festival of ageing
Friday 6th July 2018 2pm - De Niro’s Restaraurant, Heyside, Royton, OL2 6LN
To book your place call: 0800 112 3440 // 01706 751 165
One of our FREE key summer events
Angie’s Angels Drop In Coffee Morning
Friday July 27th
Drop in Coffee mornings and take the opportunity to sit and chat to the team in a safe and warm environment about any household items you may need or just enjoy a hot drink and a biscuit.
For more information contact Petrus Hub on: 01706 354826
Playhouse 2
Thursday July 5th 7.30pm - Saturday July 7th 2.30pm
Saturday 7th July at 8.00pm
Saturday July 21st at 8.00pm
Rochdale Classic Car & Bike Show 2018
Sunday, July 15th There is car parking and shuttle buses available. Entry £5 per person, Under 15’s Free
For more information please telephone: 07722 959044 0r Email: rochdaleclassiccarshow@
Littleborough Sports Club Rakewood Rd,Littleborough OL15 OAP
Tickets avaliable at Interiors or online at playhouse2
Shaw Markets
Every Thursday 9am - 4pm Market Street
Family Fun Day
Saturday 14th July 2018
11:00am - 2:00pm at St. Andrew’s Church, Dearnley, OL15 8NJ. Contact today on: 07399316372
Dearnley Family Fun Day will be a family event for all the community. There will be lots going on for all ages including a bouncy castle, face painting and activities for the children, parents can enjoy a coffee and a cake or even a small massage as well as a number of stalls selling various things! Best thing of all it is FREE to attend.
Shaw Art Society
Come and join our friendly
group of amateur artists at St. Andrews Church, Rushcroft.
Meetings are every Tuesday at 10am - 12pm. £3 per session inc. tea and coffee
Futher details: 01706 846047