Page 2 - Prairie Land 2024-2027: Education Plan
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Welcome to the Prairie Land Public School Division’s Education
Plan for the 2024-2025 school year. As Chair of the Board, it is my
pleasure to present this vital document, which is the culmination of
extensive community engagement and reflective of our steadfast
dedication to excellence in education.
This year’s plan is anchored by the insightful feedback and
collaborative efforts from our 2024 Community Engagement
Meetings. Our stakeholders—parents, students, educators, and
community leaders—played a crucial role, bringing valuable
perspectives that have significantly shaped our strategic direction.
This plan not only continues our commitment to providing a quality
education for all students but also enhances our focus on the
specific needs and aspirations of our community.
Structured around our four core Focal Points—Teaching and
Learning, Health and Wellness, Culture and Inclusivity, and
Engagement and Community—this plan outlines targeted goals
and evidence-based strategies that are designed to elevate
every aspect of our educational environment. Each focal point
is interwoven with our broader mission to foster an inclusive,
nurturing, and challenging educational landscape.

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