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Issue 40                                                                                                    Friday, 28 June 2019

                                                                                                Free Newspaper

                                                                                                      017 687 0056/ 082 427 1497

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 Embalenhle residents were divided with views during the Sunday meeting.
 GMM will only deliver darkness

 to Embalenhle residents for now

 Levhuwani Matumba              living in darkness for a very   answer session to slam at the   that a  er the premier an-  mittee to give
                                long time now.                 councillors telling them how   nounced last year that the    feedback and get a go ahead
 Last week Govan Mbeki             ey have their own           unprofessional they are to not   electricity should be taken back   from the residents.
 Municipality councillors held   unscheduled and unannounced   communicate with the residents  to Eskom, they appointed the      e meeting was hijacked by
 meetings with residents of     loadsheddings. At the meet-    regarding electricity         committee and a notice was also  some members of the
 Embalenhle in di  erent venues   ing that was held at Maphala   developments.               sent to inform Nersa of their   community who arrived drunk
 to explain how far they are with   Gulube Primary School, the      ey also demanded to know   decision.                    and did not want to listen to the
   nding solutions for the      Chief Whip of the Council, Mr   why the electricity goes o     He further acknowledged      committee.
 electricity problem.           Mtshali informed residents that   early in the morning when they   that as GMM they did not do      ere were divided groups at
    is was a  er residents vented   GMM met with Sasol for the   have to go to work and also late   anything to ensure that the   the meeting.
 to the social media threatening   advice and they were informed   a  ernoon when they come back  substation capacity is improved   One group stood with the
 to start with the protest.     of where the problem lies.     from work.                    to accommodate the growing     appointed committee, another
 Embalenhle residents have been   Residents used the question and      e chief whip also explained   demand of electricity.   group said they want to burn
                                                                                             Residents walked out of the    tyres and the last group was
                               MOTOR                                                         meeting and le   the councillors   alleged to have been given
                                                                                                                            money by some of the
                                                                                             sitting in the school hall.
                             ENGINEERING                OUR SERVICES                            e meeting which was chaired   municipal o   cials to disrupt the
                                        (PTY)LTD                Inserts                      by the Executive Mayor at      meeting.
             Reconditioning                                 Rebore Blocks                    Sijongile Ndamase was also        e appointed committee
                                                                                             disrupted by the residents who
                                                                                                                            handed out petitions to be
          Of Cylinder Heads                                Sub Assemblies                    refused to listed to her, but   signed by residents and be
                                                           Engine Overhaul                   demanded an action.            submitted to Nersa demanding
                                                                                                                            the electricity to be taken back
                                                                                             While GMM is trying to solve
                                                         Crank Shaft Grinding                the problem, residents also had   to Eskom.
                                                  Aluminium Welding Cylinder Head            their meeting whereby an inter-  For now residents are only
                                                                                                                            le   with one option, that is to
                                                                                             im committee was appointed to
                                              Cylinder Head Overhaul & Pressure Test         go and meet with the munici-   wait for October, which is the
                                                                                             pality to get a detailed feedback.   expected time for the
                                                  017 687 1366/064 649 6390                  On Sunday a meeting was called  completion of the Braken and
                                                                                             by the appointed interim com-  Ext 5 electricity project.
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