Page 74 - นมธ. ธรรมศาสตร์เพื่อสังคม 18
P. 74

                นางสาวนิดา เหล่าวัฒนาวงศ์
April2010 • BachelorofEngineerinElectricalEngineering, Southampton University, UK.
Graduated with an upper second-class honour (2:1)
Work Experience
Jan 2009-Apr 2010 Support, Sales, Service team (SSS) – IKEA Southampton UK. • Supportalldepartmentsbyputtingincorrectinfoandstocks • Checkallincomingstocks
• Checkallbrokenstocks
• Ordernewstocksaccordingtostocklevelandleadtimeforinventorycontrol
Jun 2010-Sep 2010 Electrical Engineer – Bangkok Lift and Crane Co., Ltd.
• Supportinstalling,developingproducts,includingsupporttechnicalstaffs
Present Manager – Better Man Co., Ltd.
• Meetandfindnewclientsandprojects
• Communicatewithclientstofulfilltheirwantsandneeds • Offeredadviceandassistanttoeachclient

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