Page 4 - June Rolling Stone
P. 4
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Buddy is having a party!
By Steven Turner Walker Mortuary
Big things are happening in the town of Freeport! I’m not sure if the good folk of our fair city are ready for this huge development! There is ground breaking work being done in the downtown area, more specifically in Buddy’s back yard at 21 West Main Street. Yes, a wood carving is being created into a fantastic squirrel feeder, right before our eyes and it is all for my little friend, Buddy the Squirrel. This is going to be a feed- er like no other and it will be awesome! Soon after it is com- pleted, there will be an event in Freeport that has never been seen before, or even thought of, for that matter, but yes Buddy will once again be a star for the day.
Watch for more news on this fantastic event, because it will be fun for all and I do mean all...everyone will be invited! There will be a dedication ceremony involving Chamber of Commerce Red Coats, a dedication prayer by neighborhood clergy and of course refreshments! If the big shindig falls on a day that you just cannot make it...not to worry, the newly installed “Buddy Cam” will be up and running and capturing everything. You can tune in and watch all the fun and not miss a thing.
Buddy has never been more popular and he deserves the attention. I’m not sure if he realizes what is happening, but I see him perched nearby watching the activity around this new feeder. I can tell by watching him that he already knows it is something for him, but wait until he sees the whole picture, when the feeder is finished and it is full of exotic, expensive
nuts, I think he will go crazy. I don’t know if he will share with other squirrels or not, after all he has become a lit-
tle more compassionate in his older age.
Watch for the Buddy article next month for more details on
the party of the century! I don’t know who is more excited, Buddy or me or the rest of the staff at
Walker’s. One thing is for sure, we are all excited so stay tuned
Cont. on page 6, Buddy
Social Security Column HONORING OUR SERVICE
By Colleen Edwards Social Security District Manager in Freeport, IL
Do we have a Social Security Column for June?

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