Page 11 - November Rolling Stone
P. 11
November, 2016
Page 11
Grace Episcopal Church, 10 S. Cherry Ave. in Freeport, will hold its annual Red Door Bazaar and Soup Luncheon on Saturday, November 5. Hours will be 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m., with lunch of homemade soup, bread, beverage, and a cookie served from 11-1. A bake sale will feature delicious homemade cookies, breads, candies, and more. The Christmas gift shop offers many hand- crafted items, including scarves and woodworking. The Unique Boutique brings a showcase of jewelry, home decor, and a host of other gently used treasures. Save money at the book table, with useful titles at bargain prices, just in time for winter reading and gifting. The Red Door Bazaar takes place on the lower level of the church. Enter via the lower Cherry Ave. door, which is handicap accessible. For more information, call the church Mon.-Thurs. mornings at (815) 232-4422.
My team will help you maintain your privacy and keep you living in your own home. Errands, packing, relocating and emergency assistance. Judy Nortridge McLinn 815-235-1413
Remove screens. Put up storm windows, wash windows, clean eaves troughs. Bush trimmings, and/or removal. Over 35 years experience. Call Bob Fusco 815-233-5509
Call for appt. cleaning eaves, exterior painting and odd jobs in/around house. Incl windows washing. References. Call Jim 815- 233-4622 to leave msg.
Radex Stereo is where your video tapes & movie films are converted to DVD’s, your Audio cassettes and Vinyl records are converted to CD’s and your Slides and Photos become an animated SlideShow DVD. Ask Dex at 815/235-9797 or stop in at 890 W Galena Ave for a demonstration. Photography, recording, arts and graphics since 1947.
To Place a Classified Please Contact: Senior Resource Center
Julia Moore at or 815.235.9777 ext. 227 ~ Ads are due the beginning of the month prior to publication. ~
Thank you for your continuous support of the Senior Resource Center
James Barmore
Forrest Clark
Mary Collins
Jean Clayton
Clyde Filer
Freeport Family Chiropractor – Snow blower William Korte
Tim & Dianne Freeze – Laptop Frances Jansen
Irene Larson
Richard Meinert
DuWayne & Martha Pople
Laura Rabey
Shirley Rife
Barry Sanders – Filing cabinet Miriam Smith
Manager, Cont. from page 4
development and other strategic activity desperately needed from our elected leaders. In addition, we have heard time and again from cities that changed to the Managerial form of government that any increase in cost was more than covered by the City Manager improving the operation of the city and performing tasks that may have been accomplished in some other way previously.
We all make spending decisions every day. Sometimes the option with the long-term payback is better than the one that costs less in the short-run. I feel this will be the result of the change to a City Manager structure.
I believe increasing the prospects for Freeport’s future is worth the investment in a Managerial form of government. We can’t afford anything less.
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Monroe Publishing, 1065 4TH Ave. West, Monroe, WI 53566. 608-328-4202
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The Senior Resource Center receives Title III Older Americans Act and State of Illinois General Revenue Funds through the Northwest Illinois Area Agency on Aging.

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