Page 1 - Litchfield Park Recreation Center June 2018 - March 2019 Activity Guide
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FITNESS: Adult                                          2018-19 LPRC Holiday Hours                                        Litchfield Park Recreation Center

         Balance & Stretch Class                                2018
         This class is designed to improve or continue the quality of
         your life. We incorporate simple and safe transitions and   May 28, Memorial Day           10am—5pm
         movements to increase mobility, range of motion, balance,   July 4, Independence Day       10am—5pm                       June, 2018 - March, 2019 Activity Guide
         and stability. Chairs will be used in this class.  Class minimum   September 3, Labor Day  10am—5pm
         2; maximum 8. Classes taught at Litchfield Park Recreation   November 12, Veterans Day observed  CLOSED
         Center R=Resident  NR=Non-resident                     November 22 & 23, Thanksgiving      CLOSED
         Barcode   Days   Start   End  Time  Ages    Fees       December 24-25, Christmas           CLOSED                        2018-19 Hours of Operation                             Online Registration
           6466   M/W/F  10/1  11/2  9am-10am   16+   $32R/$38NR   2019                                                            May 28 - July 22, 2018                                Register for 2018/2019 recreation programs online. Enjoy the
           6467   M/W/F  11/5  11/30  9am-10am   16+   $32R/$38NR   January 1, New Years Day        CLOSED                         Pool                                                  convenience of registering for classes, lessons, leagues, and
                                                                January 21, Martin Luther King Jr. Day  CLOSED
           6468   M/W/F  12/3  12/21  9am-10am   16+   $32R/$38NR                                                                  Monday-Friday                   12:30pm—4:30pm        programs online at the same competitive prices we offer
                                                                February 18, Presidents’ Day        CLOSED                                                                               customers in the lobby and phone registrations. Yes, that is
           6469   M/W/F  1/7  2/1  9am-10am   16+   $32R/$38NR                                                                                                     7pm-9pm               correct, no convenience fee for our online customers.
                                                                 Entrance Fees & Passes                                                                            7pm-9pm               Log onto and click on the
           6470   M/W/F  2/4  3/1  9am-10am   16+   $32R/$38NR                                                                     Lap Swim                        5:30am-6:45am
         Yoga in the Park                                                                                                          Saturday                        10am—7pm              “Recreation Registration” button or access
         Yoga in the Park is dedicated to helping you strengthen your  Daily fees:    $3 per person                                Sunday                          1pm—7pm     
         mind and body in a positive and fun environment. You can   Punch passes:                                                  Office, Weight Room & Courts                          1.  Click on the “Create an Account” button in the upper right
         expect to learn breathing techniques for easing stress, and                                                               Monday-Friday                   5:30am—9pm                hand corner of the website
         postures to strengthen the body and mind.               Resident           5 visits for $11; 10 visits for $20            Saturday                        10am—7pm
         Classes are held on four (4) consecutive Saturdays and are   Non-resident  5 visits for $14; 10 visits for $24            Sunday                          1pm—7pm               2.  Complete the name and address information completely,
         taught on the library lawn R=Resident NR=Non-resident                                                                                                                               including all required fields, (birthdate, gender, email
                                                                 Weekly                                                            July 23 - August 6, 2018                                  address, emergency contact, etc.) and click create account
         Individual Adult Yoga                                   Resident           $10 single; $20 family                                                                                   or create account and add family members. Please create
         Barcode  Days   Start   End  Time  Ages     Fees                                                                          Pool
                                                                 Non-resident       $12 single; $24 family                         Monday-Thursday                 12:30pm—4:30pm            your account listing for all of your household members,
           6789    S   10/6  10/27  9-10am   16+   $42R/$53NR                                                                                                                                with an adult as head of the household. Please create
                                                                 1/2 month                                                                                         7pm-9pm                   the adult on the account first, then add the children.
           6792    S   11/3  11/24  9-10am   16+   $42R/$53NR                                                                      Lap Swim                        5:30am-6:45am
                                                                 Resident           $12 single; $25 family                                                                                   Creating an account for a child does not provide us
           6818    S   2/2/19  2/23/19  10-11am   16+   $42R/$53NR                                                                 Friday                          12:30pm-9pm               with the needed adult email and contact
                                                                 Non-resident       $15 single; $30 family                         Lap Swim
           6821    S   3/2/19  3/23/19  10-11am   16+   $42R/$53NR                                                                 Saturday                        5:30am-7:30am             information.
         Individual Adult drop-in fee: $11 resident/$13 non-resident   Monthly                                                     Sunday                          1pm—7pm               3.  You will automatically receive an email after submitting
                                                                 Resident           $20 single; $40 family                                                                                   your request for an account. Your account will be activated
         Family yoga consists of a parent or guardian and one or more   Non-resident  $24 single; $48 family                       Office, Weight Room & Courts                              only after you have responded by clicking on the link
         children.                                                                                                                 Monday-Friday                   5:30am—9pm                provided in the email.
          Barcode  Day  Start   End   Time     Ages   Fees       3 Month Special, 4th month FREE!                                  Saturday                        10am—7pm              Please note: Lagartos Swim Team, Just Play Summer Camp
           6791   S   10/6  10/27  10:15am-11am   16+  $35R/$42NR   Resident        $60 single; $120 family                                                                              and Preschool require in-person registrations in the Recreation
                                                                 Non-resident       $72 single; $144 family                        August 7 - September 2, 2018
           6790   S   10/6  10/27  10:15am-11am   15-   $5R/$5NR                                                                                                                         Center lobby. Telephone and online registrations are not
                                                                                                                                   Pool                                                  available for these three programs. Parents are required to
           6817   S   11/3  11/24  10:15am-11am   16+  $35R/$42NR   Litchfield Park Recreation Center (LPRC) Directory             Monday-Friday                   7am—11am              complete additional prerequisite forms at the time of
           6816   S   11/3  11/24  10:15am-11am   15-   $5R/$5NR                                                                                                                         registration. Preschool students registering after August 30,
                                                                Office Manager   Chris Weaver                                        3pm-8pm
           6820   S   2/2/19  2/23/19  10:15am-11am   16+  $35R/$42NR                                                              Saturday                        1pm—7pm               2018 are required to meet with the teacher prior to
                                                                Pool Manager     Jenna Harris                                                               registration.
           6819   S   2/2/19  2/23/19  10:15am-11am   15-   $5R/$5NR                                                               Sunday                          1pm—7pm
                                                                Special Events    Tricia Kramer      Office, Weight Room & Courts
           6823   S   3/2/19  3/23/19  10:15am-11am   16+  $35R/$42NR   Sports Coordinator  Pat McCoy   Monday-Friday                  7am—8pm              Find us Online!
           6822   S   3/2/19  3/23/19  10:15am-11am   15-   $5R/$5NR   Sports Assistant   Julian Madrid   Saturday                    10am—7pm
                                                                                                                                   Sunday                          1pm—7pm
                                                                                                                                   September 4, 2018 - April 6, 2019
                                                                                                                                   Office, Weight Room & Courts
                                                                                                                                   Monday-Friday                   8am—8pm
                                                                                                                                   Saturday                        9am—12pm
                                                                                                                                   Sunday                          CLOSED
                                                                                                                                   Lap swimming is also available during “open swim” published
                                                                                                                                   times. There may be limited lane use and circle swimming
                                                                                                                                   may be required.
                                         Visit us on Facebook                                                                      Holiday hours are published on page 12 of the guide.
                                                                                                                                                        Register online at

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Revised 10/9/18
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