Page 75 - Maritime Book 1
P. 75

“Doing things better calls on you to be a leader who can persuade people out of their comfort zones into uncharted waters.“
“When I was working a the Port of Saldanha, the three shift system was causing lost time due to extra shift changes and people were working a lot of overtime resulting in fatigue and incidents. Despite meeting resistance, I introduced a four shift system where pilots worked a 12 hour shift to reduce the number of shift changes to two, to improve ef ciency. “
“Off-duty hours were increased to 36 hours and we found with the extra rest there was a reduction in incidents. While unpopular at  rst, the decision proved to be the right one!”
One of Captain Miya’s stand-out moments was when
a driver who had transported Shorehands back in the eighties, and was now transporting marine pilots to and from port control, said: “Look at you now” and reminded him of what he used to say when he was a Shorehand about driving those ships.
“I had no idea I would come so far. Sometimes what you say and repeat comes true. My personal journey tells me that you have it within yourself. You are the Captain of your own destination.”

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