Page 6 - Microsoft Word - brochure Our Mission.docx
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within rural areas that have limited access to technology or educational options. We are committed to narrowing the digital divide and increasing educational opportunities for individuals who may not ever can continue their post-secondary education.
SEFC has built a post-secondary online education platform that students may use to attend classes focused on Engineering and Cybersecurity. This post-secondary school is called ECOHO. This stands for Engineering, Computer Optimization and Humanities. Requested funds would help establish necessary staffing to begin offering these programs online for students starting at the age of students are able to
The key to ensuring that a new technological project succeeds is to follow an established logical method for sound decision-making. First and foremost, you must define your requirements and
keep them in mind when making decisions. Technology that doesn't meet your basic user and operational requirements isn't going to solve your problems. There are numerous published strategies for launching new technological initiatives, the most of which follow