Page 3 - St Edmund's School Yearbook 2014
P. 3

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             edmund rice education australia
Edmund Rice Education Australia, now in its seventh year, continues to celebrate the heritage, legacy and mission passed on to us by the Christian Brothers in our 50 schools throughout Australia. Catholic schools in the Edmund Rice tradition are challenged and privileged to embrace a common Charter and the Four Touchstones or markers of our fidelity to a common mission: Liberating Education, Gospel Spirituality, Inclusive Community and, Justice and Spirituality.
We applaud your community and its wonderful efforts to guide and educate our young people according to the priorities of our Gospel and common Charter. We are thrilled that you continue to offer the extraordinary opportunities to our young people that are necessary for them to grow and flourish as human beings committed to the making of a better world.
Never underestimate the contribution of your school community to the future and continue to celebrate your great achievements. You do your best to embody authentic Christian community with the highs and lows that we experience in our humanity. Always be mindful that our Gospel calls us to be people of hope. Our hope is in the future, a future created by an emerging generation educated and formed according to our vision for a just world where all should have the opportunity for the fullness of life.
It is with a deep sense of gratitude and thanks that we congratulate you on another year of great commitment and effort towards the best of what our vision inspires us to be. In my conversations with the Christian Brothers around Australia they consistently asked me to thank you for the way in which our schools are continuing the best of their tradition. Well done!
My best wishes and deepest thanks to all.
Dr Wayne Tinsey
Executive Director
Edmund Rice Education Australia

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