Page 14 - TCW Education Experience Brochure
P. 14

                   PROJECT NAME
                       Abercrombie Precinct
                       Bankstown Library
                                  Capitol Theatre, RMIT
                                  Deakin University, Greenwood Park
                      Loreto Kirribilli
                                   Molongolo Public School
                                  Monash University
                      Ravenswood School
                         RMIT School of Global, Urban and Social Studies (GUSS)
                               Roseville College
                       St Patricks College
                        Stella Maris College
                                 Taronga Institute of Learning
                                 The University of Sydney, Charles Perkins Centre
                                 The University of Sydney, Fass & R.D Watts
                                     The University of Sydney,
H2 Regiment Student Accommodation + Study Centre
                            Trinity Grammar
                                University of New England (Armidale and Tamworth)
                       UNSW Law Library
                       UTS Building B
                                 UTS Central
                       UTS Insearch
                         UTS Ultimo Building CB04
                       UTS Ultimo Science Building
   Albury 4-Leg Chairs Always Timber Chairs Boris Chairs
Bronte Sled Chairs Bronte Tub Chairs Domino 2 Task Chair Easy Stools
Half Hurdle High Chairs
Jubel Stacking Sled Base Chairs Lab 100 Lab Stools
Lottus Bar Stools
Mit Drafting Stools
Net Wire Chairs
Oxygen Sled Base Stacking Chairs and Bar Stools
Quest 4-legged Mobile Chairs

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