Page 104 - October 7 - Teresa Pirola
P. 104

of discrimination or persecution against Jews. (Address to Australian Jewish Community, 26 November 1986)
Finally, we can ponder these words from Nostra Aetate, 4–5, which underscore God’s love for the whole human family, and our vocation to love God and neighbour, inseparably:
Christ underwent His passion and death freely, because of the sins of humanity and out of infinite love, in order that all may reach salvation. It is, therefore, the burden of the Church’s preaching to proclaim the cross of Christ as the sign of God’s all-embracing love and as the fountain from which every grace flows.
We cannot truly call on God, the Father of all, if we refuse to treat anyone as a brother or sister, created as he or she is in the image of God. People’s relation to God the Father and their relations to others as brothers and sisters are so linked together that Scripture says: ‘The one who does not love does not know God’ (1 John 4:8).

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