Page 126 - October 7 - Teresa Pirola
P. 126

This book emerged as a voice of protest; and it ends on a similar note. Yet, to protest is not to despair. While it is difficult at this moment to see how the Jewish-Catholic relationship will recover its pre–October 7 levels of trust and ease of relating, it remains true that Jews and Christians are people of hope. Fashioned in the image and likeness of the Creator, like all God’s children, we are gifted with the grace and freedom to shape our world and its future. Where Catholic leaders have faltered in their synodal obligation to ‘walk with’ their Jewish brothers and sisters in confronting the ugly resurgence of antisemitism, ‘the world’s oldest hatred’, it is not only possible but essential for grassroots church leaders and all concerned Catholics to lead from the strength of their baptismal commissioning. This includes parents and teachers, pastoral and business leaders, academics and neighbourhood animators—whatever one’s sphere of influence, each member of the Catholic community can put shoulder to the plough to bring forth the next stage of the Australian Catholic response.

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