Page 3 - St Edmund's School Yearbook 2012
P. 3

  Dear Students and Families
We come to the end of another busy year at St. Edmund’s; looking back over that year I would like to share some of my memories. Firstly I would like to congratulate all our school leaders and House captains. All of you have been excellent role models for the whole school; you have always shown yourselves to be very good stu- dents, kind and supportive friends and wonderful ambassadors for St. Edmund’s. Over the years I have enjoyed seeing all of you, the Year 12’s, growing into beautiful young adults and I feel confident that you will go on to having busy, enjoyable lives once you leave school. We will miss you all.
A strong memory I have this year is of the way in which the new Year 7 students were welcomed into the school. With their Year 12 buddies they were encouraged to join in the life of Eddie’s. It was wonderful to see them sitting in Assembly, confidently participating and enjoying the experience.
Mrs Kathy Freeman
Entering their classes was always fun as they greeted visitors with such warmth and interest. Their buddies helped them to quickly shape up into excellent St. Edmund’s students.
I also loved the inter-house soccer competition. The atmosphere in the stadium was exciting with all students cheering loudly for their Houses. Everyone had a turn at being a star soccer player - pushing themselves hard. The rules were observed and good sportsmanship was evident all day. There might have been a winning team but from what I saw everyone was a winner that day. The sports and swimming carnivals were very similar with all students having a great day participating, supporting their teams and cheering on their friends. Again everyone was a winner.
    Mr Paul Waite (Board Chair)
Dr Cecile Fergurson
Mr Patrick Raper
Mr Kim Morrissey
Mr Peter Lancken
Mr Tony Tenney
Mr John O’Donnell
Br Michael Dredge
A major event for St. Edmund’s this year was the Renewal where the school underwent a process to look at the way in which St. Edmund’s and St. Gabriel’s live the Edmund Rice Mission. This was a very significant process which involved staff, students and parents in discussions over a period of three days. The Report very much affirmed what we do as well as made some helpful recommendations to enrich further our practice and identity as an Edmund Rice school.
It has been a great year . Congratulations must go to all the students for the effort they have put in. We look forward to a well deserved holiday and an exciting 2013.
    School Board
Principal’s Message

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