Page 22 - St Edmund's School Yearbook 2013
P. 22
St Edmund’s is a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice tradition. In following this tradition we focus on the gos- pels, that Edmund so loved, for our guidance and inspiration.
We are lucky to have two such valuable role models as Saint Mary and Blessed Edmund Rice to use in our school to focus on when we discuss a variety of topics. They guide us in ways to treat others, in ways of prayer and in ways to give to those more in need than ourselves. Both saw needs in their community and took action and this is a goal for all our students both in our school community and in the community at large.
In 2013 we developed our relationship with the Holy Name Parish community in Wahroonga. With the support of Father David Ransom individual classes attended weekday masses regularly during the year and our students were invited to participate in a variety of ministries during the Mass.
We also celebrated whole School masses every term at school which included much song, dance and drumming to showcase our school talent and engaged our students more fully in the celebrations.