Page 36 - St Edmund's School Yearbook 2013
P. 36
Athletics Field Opening
In November we were joined by members of the ERSES Board, our two sponsors Eddie’s Mates and the Primary Club of Australia, Matt Kean MP Member for Hornsby and two former NRL players Jimmy Smith and Andrew Ryan to formally open our Athletics Field.
What a celebration we had! 10A and 10O made a tempting spread of morning tea, served by a charming 12M, while 9W, 10O and 11N honed their sports skills alongside our NRL celebrities.
A fantastic way to celebrate this wonderful new school facility!
Sydney’s Favourite Teacher
We all know that the teachers at Eddie’s stand out from the crowd but w hen Radio 2UE ran a competition to find Sydney’s Favourite Teacher it soon became clear just how popular they are. No less than 7 Eddie’s teachers were nominated including Mr Craig, Mrs Welsh, Mr Southern, Mrs Ashton, Mrs Houlcroft and Mr Watt. But the winner was.... Mrs Shaw Taylor!
We love Mrs Shaw-Taylor for her passion, enthusiasm, commitment and seemingly end- less energy. Congratulations Mrs Shaw- Taylor, your win was well-deserved.