Page 11 - ANZCP Gazette NOVEMBER 2022
P. 11

 As another year of the ANZCP autotransfusion course draws to a close, 27 students have joined us for the last term of the year, bringing the total enrolees to 119 since January 2022.
As of the last cohort, make-up consisted of 42% perioperative nurses, 37% anaesthetic technicians, 5% operating theatre technicians, 15% anaesthetists with only <1% perfusionists.
This year has seen some changes to both the delivery and administration of the course as it is now entirely online, thanks to the hard work and dedication of Jessica Cantrick and Casey Edwards. Furthermore, Jessica has gone above and beyond by volunteering her time to record voice overs for the lecture slides, as we responded to survey results of students to accommodate various learning styles.
In addition to improving delivery of the course, changes have also been implemented to the student management portal, streamlining enrolment and student account management, and alleviating the time-consuming process once experienced by the course coordinator.
Further feedback from students will have us work on changes to the format of autotransfusion course examination to improve student experience, promoting ongoing engagement throughout the term, ultimately reducing the stress of a large final exam at the end of the 10-week course.
I would like to take this opportunity to encourage submissions to PIRS with for incidents involving autotransfusion and thank all the participants that have undertaken the course in 2022.
Adriano Luongo CCP, FANZCP
Britney Westbrook CCP, FANZCP
 The ANZCP Executive Committee composed a Protocol sub-committee (Britney Westbrook and Jessica Cantrick), who are dedicated to bringing clinical perfusion protocols to your convenience. We aim to increase access to reproducible and diverse protocols for our members, at the ease of their fingertips, for any unique clinical situation. These protocols and templates may serve as useful resources for developing protocols specific for your own unit.
The committee contacted all perfusion units within Australia and New Zealand to gain access to their clinical protocols and have them published on our website for the benefit of our members. The protocols range from pump failure, methemoglobinemia to pregnancy on CPB (You will find these protocols under the Professional Standards tab on the ANZCP website).
The team also successfully approached AmSECT to request access and re-publication of their clinical protocols. These protocols are also published on our website with permission, and are great templates to compare, contrast and/or alter against the Australian and New Zealand protocols.
Please do not hesitate to contact Britney Westbrook, Registrar of ANZCP (, if you have clinical protocols you would like to contribute to our members.
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