Page 15 - Northbridge Golf Club 85th Annual Report 2021
P. 15

Your directors present this report on the Club for the financial year ended 30 June 2021. Northbridge Golf Club Limited (the “Club”) is a company limited by guarantee and does not have share capital.
The names of each person who has been a director during the year and to the date of this report are:
 David Starte OAM Phil Peterson Geoff Glenwright Beverley Lewis Bill May
Di Simpson
Andy Wong
John Stephens
Peter Lotz (elected November 2020) Phillip Lewis (retired November 2020)
Directors have been in office since the start of the financial year to the date of this report unless otherwise stated.
Short Term:
To provide an enjoyable golfing experience for members, their guests and the public.
To properly maintain the golf course and clubhouse facilities and to provide a level of service in keeping with the expectations of members and their guests.
Long Term:
To further the development of the golf course in keeping with the Club’s aim of maintaining and improving the golfing experience for members, their guests and the public.
To expand and improve clubhouse and associated facilities to encourage greater community use and enjoyment.
To achieve the above objectives the Club:
1. Will allocate sufficient resources to the golf course to keep it maintained at the required standard.
2. Will put in place and maintain appropriate strategies and programmes to facilitate the required level of amenity and service within the clubhouse operations.
3. Will develop business plans and strategies which will achieve both the financial and cultural objectives in line with the long term objectives.
Principal Activities
1. The participation in and the development of the game of golf.

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