Page 3 - Northbridge Golf Club 85th Annual Report 2021
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(A Company Limited by Guarantee) ACN 000 037 427
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 85th Annual General Meeting of the members of Northbridge Golf Club Limited will be held at the clubhouse, Sailors Bay Road, Northbridge on Wednesday, 8 December 2021 at 7.30 p.m.
1. To receive and adopt the Minutes of the 84th Annual General Meeting.
2. To receive and consider the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2021.
3. To approve the provision of specially reserved parking spaces at the Club for Directors and other approved persons for use when attending the Club.
4. To approve compensation for those members who were unable to attend the club due to Covid-19 restrictions.
5. To elect office bearers for 2021/2022.
6. To transact any business notified in writing to the Club.
Dated 15th November 2021 Marko Delatovic, Secretary
The 2021 annual report will be made available for download to members via the Club’s website at from 16 November 2021.
Social Members who joined prior to 21 March 2007 shall be entitled to attend the meeting but only for the purposes of voting in the election of the Board. Social and House Members who joined after 21 March 2007 shall not be entitled to attend the meeting.
Section 30 (1) (d) of the Registered Clubs Act 1976 (as amended) provides that proxy voting is not permitted at any meeting of the club, the Board or any Committee of the Club, or at any election for members of the Board.

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