Page 12 - Transworld Swiss Bakerz IM
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This Information Memorandum has been prepared for information purposes only and is not intended to form any part of an agreement between interested parties and the seller (the Vendor). It is only provided to parties who have completed a Non-Disclosure (Confidentiality) Agreement.
The Vendor has appointed Transworld Business Advisors North Sydney as its agent to market and manage the sale of the business. All documents and information contained within this Information Memorandum and any subsequent information have been supplied to Transworld Business Advisors North Sydney by the Vendor of the business and/or their advisors, franchisor and service providers.
No representations or warranties expressed or implied have been made by Transworld Business Advisors North Sydney as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained within this Information Memorandum and Transworld Business Advisors North Sydney accepts no responsibility for any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or misstatements contained within this Information Memorandum whatsoever.
Transworld Business Advisors North Sydney and the Vendor strongly recommend that you conduct a thorough investigation on the business and seek independent legal, commercial and financial advice before entering into a Contract for the purchase of this business.
Transworld Business Advisors North Sydney and the Vendor reserve the right to amend or replace this Information Memorandum or any information contained within it at any time, and are under no obligation to provide an amended Information Memorandum or updated information to you or your advisors.
This Information Memorandum can only be distributed to your professional advisors and consultants. You must not distribute, reproduce or use this Information Memorandum in any other way without the expressed permission of Transworld Business Advisors North Sydney.
The Vendor has specifically instructed that you do not directly approach the Vendor, staff, customers or suppliers of the business without the express written permission of Transworld Business Advisors North Sydney. All enquiries or requests for additional information must be directed to Transworld Business Advisors North Sydney.
If you decide not to proceed with the purchase of this business, within 7 business days you
must return all copies of this Information Memorandum and any other information supplied. If
this Information Memorandum and/or other information has been emailed or supplied to you electronically, you agree to permanently delete the files from your computer and any other computer that stores this Information Memorandum and other information.
This document remains the property of Transworld Business Advisors North Sydney
12 Confidential Business Information