Page 4 - Enabling National Initiatives to Take Democracy Beyond Elections_Portuguese
P. 4

A newDemocracy Foundation gostaria de agradecer à seguindo as pessoas por suas contribuições para este manual.
Claudia Chwalisz Enkhtsetseg Dagva David Farrell Nicole Hunter Josh Lerner
Jane Mansbridge Roy Mayega
Beth Noveck
Thamy Pogrebinschi Graham Smith
Mark Warren Jay Weatherill
Open Society Forum, Mongolia
University College Dublin
Participatory Budgeting Project
Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
University School of Public Health, Uganda
The Gov Lab
WZB Berlin Social Science Center
Centre for the Study of Democracy, Westminster University
Centre for the Study of Democratic Institutions, The University of British Columbia
Former Premier of South Australia
Gostaríamos especialmente de agradecer à equipe do Fundo para a Democracia da ONU por seu interesse ativo em ver essa idéia espalhada, discutida e testada em todo o mundo.
A Project of the UN Democracy Fund (UNDEF)

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