Page 1 - Weekly EVENTS FLYER 07 12 to 07 19
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                    Friday, July 12 to Friday, July 19, 2019  • Watergate at Landmark Unit Owner Association
          MAINTENANCE                   NO SHIRT, NO SHOES?                    RECYCLING AT

                                       THAT’S A BIG PROBLEM!                         WAL

      *The schedule may change.*                                               Don’t  forget  to  follow

      Update                                                                   the posted signs in the
        •Bldg.  4’s  HVAC/Fascia                                               trash  area  to  make
         Project on Tiers 5 and 7 is                                           sure  you  place  the
         expected  to  start  the                                              correct  items  in  the
         week of Monday, July 22.                                              recycling areas or trash
        •Bldg.  1’s  Elevator  #1  will                                        chutes.  Rinse all containers thoroughly and
         be out of service starting                                            place  them  in  the  correct  bin.  Small
         Wednesday, July 17.       As  a  reminder,  please  be  certain  to  wear   cardboard boxes  shoe box size and under , as
                                   shoes  and  shirts  when  walking  through  the   well as paper may be placed on the wire wall
      Reminders                    Community Center.                           racks.  Garbage should be tightly secured in
        •Terrace  Lounge  Skylight                                             plastic  bags  and  deposited  directly  into  the
         Project  will  begin  Satur-       POOL REMINDER                      chute.    Leaving  bags  on  the  floor  or  in  the
         day, July 13.             The  Outdoor  Pool  hours  through  Monday,   hallways  present  both  health  and  safety
        •Bldg. 3 HVAC Coil Clean-  September 2 are as follows:                 hazards.  Thanks  for  your  compliance  and
         ing  starts  on  Monday,          Monday - Friday: 10 – 8 p.m.        continuing  to  make  sure  our  community  is
         July  15,  weather  permit-                                           both clean and green!
         ting.                        Saturday, Sunday, Holidays: 9 a.m. – 8 p.m.
                                   As a reminder, every resident over the age of   PICK UP

      Work In Progress             one year must have a VALID ID card  with
        •Indoor Racquet Club Roof    the RED “Expires Jan. 31, 2020” sticker  to   AFTER
        •Bldg.  4’s  HVAC/Fascia   use  the  Indoor  or  Outdoor  Pool.  No  more  YOUR PET!
         Project on Tiers 1 and 3   than  six  guests  per  unit  are  allowed  in  the   Management has
                                   pool  at  any  time  with  the  proper  passes.   received  reports
      IMPORTANT CONTACTS           Residents must accompany all guests to the   of  pet  droppings
                                   pool. A one-day pass sells for $5 each.     being  left  in  the
     Shuttle Bus Text Opt-In                                                   hallways, stairs, lobbies and so forth. Per our
     Text “watergate” to                 VALVES & VACAITONS                    Rules and Regulations, please escort your pet
     844-612-2165                  Please  turn  off  your  water  valves  in  case  a   to  the  Pet  Areas  where  they  may  relieve

     FirstService Residential      leak occurs when you are headed out of town.   themselves  appropriately.  It’s  good  to  also
     703-385-1133                                                              carry disposable bags and gloves just in case.
                                   You may also use Watergate at Landmark’s
     Resident Services Office      FREE  valve  inspection  program.  Contact
     703-370-7000                  Resident Services for details.                       LEAVING TOWN?

     Gate Communications                                                        MAIL AND PACKAGE POLICY
     703-370-2674                           LOVE TO COOK?                      As  a  courtesy,  please  remember  to  email

     Activities Office                                                 if  you
     703-370-7092                                                              plan  to  leave  your  unit  for  multiple  days  for

     Lobby Entrance Camera                                                     vacation,  business,  emergencies,  etc.  Package
     Comcast - 971                                                             deliveries may also be forwarded to a trusted
     Master Antenna - 3                                                        neighbor,  held  for  pick  up  by  the  delivery

     WAL CCTV Channels                                                         service  or  business  used  or  redirected  to
     Comcast - 970                                                             Resident  Services  if  the  package  meets  the
     Master Antenna - 8            As  a  courtesy  to  your  neighbors,  please   requirements  20 lbs. or less AND 18” x 12” x
     Metro Water                   remember  to  use  your  exhaust  fan  while   24” or smaller .

     703-461-3418                  cooking  with  strong,  fragrant  ingredients.   Residents  are  solely  responsible  for  such

     Racquet Club                  Food odors easily travel into the hallways and   arrangements, and one week’s advance notice is
     703-370-7047                  neighboring units. Thank you!               suggested for optimal service.
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