Page 1 - Weekly EVENTS FLYER 09 27 to 10 04
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Friday, September 27, to Friday, October 4, 2019  •  Watergate at Landmark Unit Owner Association
        MAINTENANCE                 ASSOCIATION DUES ALERT                                COMMUNITY
                                 New  Association  dues  go  into  effect  Tuesday,    COMMUNICATIONS
                                 October  1.  Call  Resident  Services  at  703-370-
         *The schedule may       7000 if you are unsure about the new rate.              PRESENTATION
             change.*                                                                      Friday, October 4
                                      COMMITTEE MEETINGS                                 Terrace Lounge 11 a.m.
      •Bldg. 4’s HVAC/Fascia                                                  Come  hear  about  how  the  Communications
       Project on Tiers 5 and 7                                               Dept.  works  for  the  WAL  community  and
       is complete.                                                           address  some  common  issues  reported  by
                                                                              residents  regarding  emails,  flyers,  the  Wheel
      •Bldg. 4’s HVAC/Fascia
       Inspection  for  Tiers  1,                                             magazine and more.

       3,  5  and  7  will  be  on                                            To plan accordingly, please RSVP by emailing
       Wed.,  October  2  and                                         or  calling
       Thu., October 3.                                                       the Communications Dept. at 703-370-7000.

      •Bldg.  1  HVAC/Fascia                Sunday, September 29                  CONDO
       Project staging for Tiers   Pet, 4 p.m., Bldg. 3 Party Rm.  B2 Level
       21,  23  and  25  starts              Tuesday, October 1               COURTESIES:
       Tue., October 1.                Seniors, 2 p.m., Terrace Lounge         UNWANTED
                                            A&E, 7 p.m., Library
      •Bldg. 2’s Balcony Res-        Covenants, 7 p.m., Conference Rm. 2          ODORS
       toration  for  Tiers  2,  4         Wednesday, October 2               Make sure your kitchen
       and 6  continues.               Youth, 6 p.m., Conference Rm. 2        fan  works  properly.

      •Line Striping continues       Recreation, 7 p.m., Conference Rm. 1     Every  time  you  cook,
       weather permitting.         Infrastructure, 7 p.m., Conference Rm. 2   be sure to turn it on! This helps funnel the air to the
                                                                              proper  outside  areas  rather  than  into  the  hallways  or
          IMPORTANT                  NEED A CERTIFICATE OF                    other units. Thank you!
           CONTACTS                          INSURANCE?
                                                                                 CALL FOR 2020 ELECTIONS
      Shuttle Bus Text Opt-In
      Text “watergate” to                                                         COMMITTEE VOLUNTEERS
      844-612-2165                                                            Watergate  at  Landmark  Unit  Owner’s
                                                                              Association  is  seeking  volunteers  for  the
      FirstService Residential
      703-385-1133               Call EOI Direct at 877-456-3643 on Monday -   Elections  Committee  for  the  2020  Annual
                                 Friday  from  9  a.m.  -  8  p.m.  or  visit    Meeting.  This  Committee  serves  an  essential
      Resident Services Office
      703-370-7000      to request such.           role in the process of running the events leading

                                                                              up to the Annual Meeting, to include hosting a
      Gate Communications           ARE YOU REGISTERED TO                     Happy Hour, organizing Annual Meeting notices
                                           VOTE IN 2019?                      and  providing  multiple  opportunities  for  unit
      Activities Office                                                       owners  on  and  off  the  property  to  elect  those
      703-370-7092               The  voter  registration  deadline  for  the  2019   they feel would best represent their interests as a
                                 Virginia State and City of Alexandria election is
      Lobby Entrance Camera      Tuesday,  October  15.  Submit  or  update  your   Board Member. There will be a few meetings
      Comcast - 971              registration   information   at    https://  between November and March to take care of
      Master Antenna - 3                                                      different  aspects  of  the  2020  Elections
                         Any  eligible  U.S.
      WAL CCTV Channels          citizen who will be 18 years old by Election Day   Committee process.
      Comcast - 970              ( November 5  is eligible to register and vote.       To be considered for the Elections Committee,
      Master Antenna - 8
                                 To check your registration status, go to https://  unit owners should submit a letter of interest to
      Metro Water                                                             either  the  Association  Office  or  via  email
      703-461-3418      or call the Alexandria   at on or
                                 Voter Registration Office at 703-746-4050.
      Racquet Club                                                            before Noon on Monday, October 21, 2019.
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