Page 1 - Weekly EVENTS FLYER 02 01 to 02 08
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                          Friday, February 1 to Friday, February 8, 2019


           SAVE THE                      COMMITTEE MEETINGS                     BE SURE TO ATTEND THE
       DATE FOR THE                      Communications,  7 p.m., Conference Rm. 1   UPCOMING TOWN HALL
                                              Monday, February 4
                                                                                       Thursday, February 21
        2019 BOARD                            Tuesday, February 5                      Terrace Lounge • 7 p.m.
       OF ELECTIONS                           Seniors, 2 p.m., Terrace Lounge                      All unit owners are encour-
                                                  A&E, 7 p.m., Library
            EVENTS!                         Wednesday, February 6                                  aged to attend the upcom-
                                                                                                   ing Town Hall. The topic
                                             Youth, 6 p.m., Conference Rm. 2                       for  discussion  is  Policy
      Special Joint Committee Meeting       Recreation, 7 p.m., Conference Rm. 1                   Resolution  #3  -  Adminis-
      •  Tuesday, February  5,  7:30  p.m.,   Infrastructure, 7 p.m., Conference Rm. 2             trative Resolutions.
         Terrace Lounge,                     Thursday, February 7
                                             Pet, 7:30 p.m., Conference Rm. 1
      Meet the Candidates Town Hall                                                    2019 BOARD OF
      •  Tuesday, February 12, 7:30 p.m.,   ONE-TIME COURTESY                    DIRECTORS CANDIDATES
         Terrace Lounge
                                       NOTICES WILL BE ISSUED                  The following Unit Owners have been validated as
      Lobby Voting                        STARTING TODAY, SO                   candidates for the 2019 Election of three new members
      •  Tuesday, February 19, 5 – 7 p.m.,                                     to the Board of Directors. They will appear on the ballot
         Bldgs. 1 and 2                    GET YOUR PARKING                    in the following order:
      • Wednesday, February 20,             DECALS ON ASAP!                      1. Timothy McLendon  4. Eileen Greenberg
        5 – 7 p.m., Bldgs. 3 and 4                                               2. James Samans    5. Abed Benzina
                                      Beginning Friday, February 1, Patrol Services will be   3. Stephanie Lowe
      Community Happy Hour Voting     issuing  “One-Time  Courtesy”  notices  to  those
      •  Friday, February 22, 7 – 9 p.m.,   vehicles  not  properly  displaying  the  2019  WAL   COME ON
         Terrace Lounge               Resident/Guest  parking  decals.   The  owner  of  the
                                      vehicle will be given a reasonable period of time to   DOWN FOR
                                      update  his/her  WAL  parking  decal  before   HAPPY HOUR
       IMPORTANT CONTACTS             immobilization and/or towing takes place.

                                      If you have already obtained your WAL Resident/  Thursday, February 7
      Shuttle Bus Text Opt-In                                                    Lobby of Your Bldg.
                                      Guest parking decal and have not properly affixed the
      Text “Watergate” to 313131      self-adhesive decal to the vehicle’s windshield, please   6 – 8 p.m.
      FirstService Residential        do so immediately.  If you have NOT obtained your   Tide  Cleaners,  formerly  known  as  PressBox,  is
      703-385-1133 or 540-891-8677    WAL Resident/Guest parking decal please do so to   hosting  a  happy  hour  at  WAL  to  reintroduce  the
      Resident Services Office        avoid   the   expense   and               brand  to  the  community.  Bring  your  first  dry
      703-370-7000                    inconvenience of your vehicle             cleaning order down to your lobby for 50% off and
                                                                                enjoy  wine  provided  by  Tide  Cleaner’s  partner,
      Gate Communications             being immobilized or towed.               Grape Intentions!
      Activities Office                                                         MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE
      703-370-7092                           WAL LISTSERVS
                                                                                           & UPDATES
      Lobby Entrance Door Camera      Want to receive up-to date email and/or text messages   *Note that this schedule is subject to change*
      Comcast - 971                   about one or more of the below topics?

      Master Antenna - 3                 •  Pets/pet ownership at WAL          •HVAC/Fascia  Project
      WAL CCTV Channels                  •  Indoor/Outdoor Pools Status         on Tiers  02,  10  and
      Comcast - 970                      •  Changes in Office Operation Status   12 of Building 4 con-
      Master Antenna - 8                Email  your  contact  information  to  Jene  Lyons  at   tinue this week.
      Metro Water            to sign up!
      703  -461-3418
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