Page 1 - Weekly EVENTS FLYER 06 21 to 06 28
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                    Friday, June 21 to Friday, June 28, 2019  • Watergate at Landmark Unit Owner Association
          MAINTENANCE                   JUNE BOARD MEETING                          TOWN HALL MEETING

                                                Tuesday, June 25                          Wednesday, July 10

      *This schedule may change.*          Terrace Lounge •7:30 p.m.                   Terrace Lounge • 7 p.m.
                                                                               Topics of Discussion: Smart911 and the Red
        •Limited  access  to  Car                                                 Cross “Sound the Alarm” Programs
         Wash  and  Vacuum  areas                                              All  unit  owners  and  residents  are  invited  to
         this  month  due  to  the                                             attend the town hall.
         Racquet Club roof work.
                                    SMOKE ALARMS OLDER THAN                     BACK GATE CLOSED TODAY!
      Work In Progress                                                         The Back Gate will be closed completely today,
        •Back Gate Closed for re-               10 YEARS?                      weather permitting. Please use the Front Gate
         pairs  on  today,  June  21.   If  so,  it’s  time  to  replace       and pardon delays and congestion. The Back
         Gate  will  reopen  when   them  according  to  the                   Gate  will  reopen  when  repairs  are  complete.
         work is completed.        Red Cross Disaster Team.                    Updates will be announced.
        •Bldg. 1’s Elevator #3, Ele-  The Red Cross volunteers
         vator out of service      will be here this summer                          RESERVED
                                   to provide you with new
        •Bldg.  4’s  HVAC/Fascia                                                PARKING SPACES
         Project on Tiers 1 and 3    alarms that include a 10-
                                   year lithium battery. They                  You   may   have   noticed
        •Indoor Racquet Club Roof    will install them for you as well for FREE. To   “Reserved Parking For” signs
         Replacement,  temporary   make sure you don’t miss out, you can email   located  in  parking  spaces  in
         hours in effect.          your name, building, unit number and phone   front of your building. These
                                   number  to    parking  spaces  are  clearly
                                   You may also call Resident Services to sign up.   marked with the license plate
                                                                               numbers  of  the  authorized  vehicle.  Only  the
                                        PET AREA TREATMENT                     vehicle  bearing  this  license  plate  number  on
      IMPORTANT CONTACTS           Pet Area 2 and 4 is closed today, June 21, due   the  sign  may  park  in  the  reserved  space.  All
                                   to  flea  and  tick  treatments  for  all  turf  areas   other  vehicles  parked  in  the  reserved  parking
     Shuttle Bus Text Opt-In       weather permitting.                         space may be  subject to  an  immobilization  or
     Text “watergate” to                                                       tow without notice.

     FirstService Residential         NEED ANOTHER PLACE TO                    ALL OFFICES WILL CLOSE ON
                                   STORE YOUR BIKE FOR FREE?                          THURSDAY, JULY 4
     Resident Services Office
     703-370-7000                                                              Resident Services,  all  Association  Offices  and
                                                                               the   Activities   Office   will   close   for
     Gate Communications
     703-370-2674                                                              Independence Day on July 4. Offices reopen on
                                                                               Friday, July 5 at the normal weekday schedule.
     Activities Office
                                                                                 NEW OPT-IN NUMBER FOR
     Lobby Entrance Camera
     Comcast - 971                                                                  COMMUNITY SHUTTLE
     Master Antenna - 3
                                   Do you have a garage parking spot and a bike?   Fleet  Transportation,  our  shuttle  contractor,
     WAL CCTV Channels                                                         has  a  new  message  provider.  All  previous
     Comcast - 970                 Well now you may get a D-Ring installed in   passengers  who  signed  up  for  text  messaging
     Master Antenna - 8            your parking spot for FREE by contacting Ron
                                   Gibson  at   should  be  switched  over  automatically.  If  you
     Metro Water                                                               want to sign up and have not already done so,
     703-461-3418                  or  calling  Resident  Services  and  request  to   text the keyword “watergate” to 844-612-2165.
                                   speak with him directly. With this feature, you
     Racquet Club                  can now store your bike in front of your car.   A text message confirmation will be sent back
     703-370-7047                                                              to your phone number used.
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