Page 4 - RMG Company Overview
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As spatial and data services embrace new and emerging technologies, growing cities are increasingly relying on spatial data to model, visualise and analyse past, present and future developments. RapidMap Global (RapidMap) appreciates that the role of GIS is paramount, particularly as government bodies and private industries move towards the development of smart cities.
For over 25 years RapidMap has delivered advanced spatial technologies in the form of services, analytics, software application and spatial technology hardware.
Over this time, we have collaborated with hundreds of clients, both locally and abroad, to map and manage the world better.
Renowned for our early-adoption of world-leading technologies, we have advanced the promotion of spatial systems and solutions for business improvemen across many diverse industries. In doing so, we have received dozens of Spatial Excellence, ICT and Government Awards, collaborating with our clients to solve complex and challenging problems.
Our people are industry leaders. Committed to excellence and innovation, we continually challenge and champion best practice, participating in reviews, study tours, further education, conferences, speaking positions and serve as members of industry advisory groups and boards.
RapidMap has a track record of quality in all that we do. We have tested and effective Quality Assurance processes and an enviable track record in project success and safety – as well as staff retention.
Our clients repeatedly engage our services. We bring expertise, collaboration and innovation to ensure the best possible outcome is achieved so that we deliver value to meet and exceed expectations.

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