Page 31 - New Updated Flipbook file
P. 31
High-level breakdown (Year to 30 June 2020)
New Zealand Winegrowers Inc is the industry organisation of and for the wine makers and grape growers of New Zealand.
These are the accounts for New Zealand Winegrowers Incorporated and its subsidiaries, NZW Wines Limited Partnership and New Zealand Winegrowers Research Centre Limited trading as Bragato Research Institute.
Operating income includes the grape and wine levies. These are used to fund marketing, research, environment and advocacy activities.
$27.0m h18%
User Pays activities includes marketing events in New Zealand and overseas, the Sustainable Winegrowing
New Zealand programme, provision for the Wine Export Certification Service, Romeo Bragato Conference and Young Viticulturist and Young Winemaker Competitions.
The Bragato Research Institute is providing world-leading science, research and innovation to benefit New Zealand’s entire grape and wine industry. The research winery was completed and opened on
27 February 2020.
$20.2m i16%
NZW Wines Limited Partnership’s activity is research into production and other aspects of lower alcohol and lower calorie wine.
The financial information presented has been extracted from the audited financial statements of New Zealand Winegrowers Incorporated for the year ended 30 June 2020.
User pays income
•Wine Levy $8.1mh13%
•Grape Levy $3.4mh18%
• Marketing user pays
1.6m i54% • SWNZ
$0.7 0%
•Romeo Bragato Conference $0.3m i7%
•Levy/other $5.09 h27%
• Biosecurity $1m
Operating income
Current Assets
•User pays $.58m i18%
Fixed Assets
Levy income
•External funding for research $12.3mh64%
•Young Vit & Winemaker $0.2 h39%
• Other $0.4m 0%
•Social $3.2mi52%
•Economic $9.4mi6%
•Environmental $4.5mi5%
•General $3.1mh14%
• Winery incl fitout and equip $5.51m
• Other FA $0.3m