Page 51 - Tattered Lace Issue 64
P. 51

• 464039 Aphrodite die set
• 464035 Nested Greco Roman Circles die set • 464023 Made in Marble die set
• 345420 Large Circles die set
• 332643 Circles die set
• 337874 Script embossing folder
• White cardstock
• Light blue cardstock
• Blue cardstock
• FreeCharismadownload:ATasteofAntiquity
1. Cut,scoreandfoldwhitecardstockto create a 16.5cm square tent card. Using the Large Circles die set, place No. 1 just over the top of the fold and cut to create a circle card. Fold the front of the card in half to create an easel card. Cut another circle from white cardstock and mat onto the lower half of the easel.
UsingtheCirclesdiesetcutNo.19twice from light blue cardstock. Emboss one circle and mat onto the front of the card and mat the second circle onto the inside card.
UsingtheCirclesdieset,cutNo.19and No. 15 together from blue cardstock to create a frame. Mat onto the card with foam tape and mat the waste circle onto the inside of the card.
UsingtheNestedGrecoRomanCirclesdie set, cut Circle 1 twice from white cardstock. Mat one onto the front of the card and the other onto the inside back of the card.
UsingtheAphroditedieset,cutthefigure and the decoupage pieces from the free Charisma download. Mat and layer the die cuts onto the card to create decoupage. Using the Made in Marble die set, cut two shells, one Flourish 1 and one Flourish 2
all from the free Charisma download. Mat the flourishes on the top of the card. Mat Aphrodite onto the card and tuck and stick the shells as shown.
UsingtheNestedGrecoRomanCircles die set, cut Circle 4 from white cardstock and mat onto the base of the inside card. Using the Circles die set, cut No. 5 from white cardstock. Stamp a sentiment onto the circle and mat onto the inside card as shown.

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