Page 24 - Tattered Lace 62
P. 24

 Template Project
  1. Cut, trace or print the Compartment template. Cut outonefromthepreferred cardstock.
2. Scorealongthemarkedlines. Mountainfoldalongthetwo outerscorelinesandvalleyfold along the two inner score lines. Mountain fold along the diagonal score lines.
3. Foldintoplace.Addtapetothe tabs and attach to the sides to create a compartment.
4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 to create another five compartments.
5. Cut,traceorprinttheCover template. Cut out one from the preferredcardstock.
6. Scorealongthemarkedlines. Valleyfoldthescorelines.
7. With the large tab at the
bottom of the cover, attach a compartmenttothebase,making sure to keep the compartment in between the score lines.
Repeat step 7 for the next compartment. To keep the compartmentstogether,fold over the tab from No. 1 and attachtoNo.2.Repeatforallthe compartments.
This Roll Up Box has six little compartments to fill with goodies, then roll up to create a hexagon!
10.Fill the compartments and roll
Tuckandsticktheremainingtabs, alternatively snip them away. Cut out six mats and attach to the box.
upthebox.Tieuptheboxwith ribbon.
 24 10. Pushtheloopthroughtheremaini
    close it up.

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