Page 65 - Tattered Lace Issue 70
P. 65

• 482228 Sheer Splendour 3D Decoupage Bumble Bee die set
• 468177 Foundation 6 Nested Hexagons die set
• 468169 Foundation 2 Nested Circles die set
• White cardstock
• Yellow cardstock
• Black cardstock
• Free Charisma download: Sheer Splendour
1. Score and fold an A4 sheet of white cardstock in half. Using the Foundation Nested Hexagons die set, place No. 30 slightly over the fold and cut to create a shaped tent card. Fold the front in half to create an easel card and cut another No. 30 hexagon from white cardstock. Mat onto the card.
2. Using the Foundation Nested Hexagons die set, cut No. 28 from black cardstock and No. 27 from white cardstock. Mat together using foam tape and mat onto the card.
3. UsingtheFoundationNestedHexagonsdieset,cut No. 22 from yellow cardstock, No. 20 from black cardstock and No. 19 from white cardstock. Using the Foundation Circles die set, cut No. 14 into the white hexagon.Matontotheblackhexagonusingfoamtape and mat together onto the card.
4. Using the Foundation Circles die set, cut No. 10 from white cardstock. Stamp on a sentiment and mat into the centre of the aperture. Using the 3D Decoupage Bumble Bee die set, cut Bumble Bee Panel and a small bee from the free Charisma download. Trim the circle and mat onto the card.
5. Using the Foundation Nested Hexagons die set, cut No. 28 from black cardstock. Mat onto the inside of the card using foam tape. Using the Foundation Circles die set, cut No. 9 and No. 7 from white cardstock and No.
8 from black cardstock. Mat together using foam tape and mat onto the inside of the card to create a stopper. Using the 3D Decoupage Bumble Bee die set, cut a large bumble bee from the free Charisma download and mat onto the stopper.
6. Usingthe3DDecoupageBumbleBeedieset,cutan assortment of bees from the free Charisma download. Mat onto the card to finish.
3D Decoupage Bumble Bee

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