Page 18 - 2018 Kingdom Missions Booklet
P. 18

Jason Smith
Good Life Church is a local church with a global mission of making disciples that love people enough to share the Good News of Jesus and our lives as well. We are located in Bradenton and serve a 2 county area with a population of over 700,000 that includes 490,000 unchurched neighbors. We meet on Sundays at Tara Elementary School and partner with them during the week. We lead a tutoring initiative,  nance many vital projects and lead an after school program that has a weekly attendance of over 75 students. Good Life has a weekly attendance of 300 and has baptized over 175 people in the last 5 years of ministry. Good Life has also been a part of training and/or funding 8 church planters in the last 5 years. We also have various missions partners locally and globally that share our values and mission. Some examples are Beauty for Ashes, HBI Global Partners, There’s Still Hope, Salt Network, and NAMB/IMB. We currently have a leadership team of 3 full-time staff members, 3 ordained elders and 10 ordained deacons. We look forward to continuing to serve together with FBC Naples as we did during hurricane relief. If there are any needs we can help meet, we are only a phone call away.

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