Page 4 - Puke Moolelo Mahina 2017-18 Laana
P. 4
About this planner
The mission of the Puke Moolelo Mahina is to promote the use of the Hawaiian lunar calendar in our everyday lives. In understanding the fundamental parts of the Hawaiian lunar calendar, we become more in tune with our surroundings and the natural cycles of our environment.
Our vision is to have the Hawaiian lunar calendar understood and used daily by all people in Hawaii.
This planner incorporates both the Gregorian (solar) and Hawaiian lunar calendars. The Gregorian
The Hawaiian Lunar Calendar
A brief explana on.
calendar consists of months and weeks, while the Hawaiian lunar calendar consists of anahulu and malama (more informa on below). The Gregorian and Hawaiian months do not align (mostly) so there is overlap of Hawaiian months into two Gregorian months and vice versa.
The names of each Hawaiian lunar month are place based. This calendar corresponds with informa on gathered about the island of Hawaii.
There are 30 moon phases in the Hawaiian lunar month (malama). Each moon phase has its own name. The rst moon phase of every malama is Hilo, the last phase is Muku. One malama is broken down into 3 anahulu. Each anahulu consists of 10 moon phases.
The 3 anahulu are characterized by the shape, waxing, or waning of the moon.
Anahulu Hoonui (waxing phases)
Anahulu Poepoe (round phases)
Anahulu Hoemi (waning phases)
One malama consists of 30 moon phases.
Kaelo..........................December - January Kaulua........................January - February Nana...........................February - March Welo...........................March - April
Ikiiki ............................ April - May Kaaona....................... May - June Hinaiaeleele...............June - July Mahoemua.................July - August Mahoehope ...............August - September Ikua.............................September - October Welehu ...................... October - November Makalii ....................... November - December
Malama Names
There are 12 malama names that are used in this planner. The malama are named based on par cular stars that can been seen in the sky during certain mes of the year. The visibility of the stars di ers from place to place through the islands, the order and names of the malama may di er as well. The names of the malama in this planner are most commonly used on the isnald of Hawaii.
Olekukahi Olekulua
Kukahi Kulua
Olepau Kaloakukahi
Mahealani Kulu
Olekulua Olekukolu
Kaloapau Kane
Kupau Olekukahi
Laaukukahi Laaukulua