Page 13 - Advanced Romance
P. 13

10 Advanced Romance*
understanding human sexuality (boo), Kinsey, Masters and Johnson, Havelock Ellis, notwithstanding.
The fundamentalist assertion that humanity’s sexual love is mostly mental can partly be explained by the phenomena of the will. That is, free will that feels free, but that actually is often not completely free, or at least not used to its fullest freedom. I’m not going to get into a big debate about free will here. My view is that free will fluctuates in its freedom, depending on the issue and the person. Sometimes the will is completely free, and you can make a decision based on reason. Other times the subconscious or biology controls, and what feels free isn’t completely free.
Regardless, it’s safe to say that some drives are stronger than free will in some people. Say the drive
for food or to stay alive. Strength of will is another
way to put it. However, almost everyone has some area of weak, and therefore, not very free, will. Whereas in choosing which sweater to buy, you might think we have entirely free will. But fashion designers make these decisions every year and their advertising is always assaulting us—keeping-up-with-the-Joneses is always peer-pressurizing us. Of course, the Chicago School of Economics claims we are most free when it comes to decisions about money. Which is obvious balderdash
... much of the time—considering the vast market influences railroading us endlessly. And, to emphasize the subconscious sexual control, the great amounts of

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