Page 17 - Advanced Romance
P. 17

14 Advanced Romance*
oxytocin, serotonin and other chemicals evolved to railroad us towards relationships Which wins out—the frontal lobe’s reason or evolution’s chemicals—free
will or nature’s call—probably depends on the mental health and relationship maturity of each person—or the strength of the attraction. Usually it’s a mixture of the
two.Fisher found that the first stimulant of love
is lust. It’s always accompanied by elevated levels
of testosterone and estrogen. These are evolution’s chemicals that help you understand when you’ve found someone you might want to have sex with.
When you think “Wowza, that is an attractive person,” part of the reason they look so good is testosterone and estrogen. Or of course vice versa: the reason testosterone and estrogen eleveate is because they look so good. Both chemicals are in both sexes, though at different levels. Yes, a big part of the reason they’re attractive is due to mental aesthetics, your preference for hair type, face type, body type, clothes type. But the chemicals are also involved.
Fisher found that falling into the romantic stage of love is accompanied by elevated levels of dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin. Dopamine is the powerful chemical that is also utilized by cocaine
and nicotine. Norepinephrine gets the heart racing. Serotonin may cause temporary insanity (limerence!).
That instant when your evaluation of the possible

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