Page 81 - Liberating Liberals V2
P. 81

Liberating Liberals
as well as seen that improving weapons would lead to ever greater destruction in Europe itself. Instead they kept slamming their heads against each other, as if that fight were more important than life itself — as if death were better than non-imperialistic life.
On the other hand, peace and passionate work are some of the assertions that life is worth living. Thus the meaningfulness of life can be viewed as completely subjective depending on your point of view. Precisely imprecise.
The Quiet Desperation of Noisy Affirmation
At each moment we can choose to assign any amount of commitment or non-commitment to life. A “meaningless-meaning” spectrum showing ascending levels of meaning might look like the following
— with each new phrase involving an increase in affirming meaning:
Meaninglessness – quiet desperation – too noisy affirmation – misanthropy – bored satisfaction – meaning only on Christmas, Thanksgiving and the 4th of July – passionate work, love and friendship – Passionate creativity – absolute meaning.
The order of these phrases is highly suspect. The reason “too noisy affirmation” is in the meaningless end is because that could be the case with many people and much of civilization today, and why these “loud” meanings are so hard to see through. The

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