Page 13 - Asheville NC Revised2
P. 13

my sister, brother, cousins, aunts or uncles. They’ve all been completely monogamous and fairly happy at it it seems. We’re probably one of the most monogamous families around.
Recent past...
Even with all that neurotic angst, those childhood times rivalled the quality of my more recent life — except when falling in lusty love with work mate Grace. I’d tried to resist kissing her for about the first four dates, partly because of her philosophy, but mainly because we worked together. Romance might wreck the best paying job I’d ever had.
But she had a genius for projecting raw sexuality with total nonchalance, even innocence. She wore me down with ever longer goody-bye hugs, pursing her small but sumptuous lips inches from mine, and lounging with increasingly sensuous poses. The full body effect of the hugs was pleasantly obstructed by large protrusions on top.
Now, I don’t consider myself overly obsessed by breasts. Many of my greatest loves had small to medium groupings of mammary tissue. The face is my most important aesthetic reference by far. But if you must know, as far as body parts, I’m a haunch man. An exquisitely formed pair of buttocks will cause me to lose objectivity about the creature wearing them.
Until my mid-twenties I wasn’t much concerned with breasts at all. Since then I’d been influenced by occasional studies of Playboy to appreciate big women, big enough to wear large breasts in a petite way, without them being ridiculously oppressive like many of the centerfolds.
But I’d never dated a woman like that. Grace was. Hers were. I feel Cro- Magnon admitting such an attraction yet some biologists believe mammary glands could easily fit elsewhere, that the protrusions are unnecessary for milk production and thus they are purely sexual bait. Grace had amazing bait.
One afternoon we were scheduled for a Blue Ridge Parkway walk. As I was cruising down Hendersonville Road to gather her, the four-lane was crowded with the usual tacky or elegant franchise businesses. Suddenly one side became beautiful woods without a building in sight. I’d entered the super strict zoning of the city of Belmont Forest. It was a fairy land almost totally surrounded by the city of Asheville.
After several miles of this urban/forest contrast I turned right into the woods. The forest slowly gave way to sprinklings of mammoth mansions and elegant houses blending easily with the woods. A family of deer munched dandelions in one of the frequent parks. Which reminded me of the controversy over how to reduce the deer

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