Page 15 - Lives Change : The Warwick School Bursary Fund
P. 15

The Warwick School Bursary Fund
Warwick School helped me to develop into the person
I am today. The supportive and caring environment not only nurtured my extra-circular interests, from rugby to Young Enterprise, but also stretched me academically.
The school provided me with unrivalled opportunities which stood me in good stead for university and day-to-day life.
I continue to use experiences and skills I learned at school and look forward to applying them in new roles and activities such as being JCR President at my college next year.
Without the school’s staff and facilities, I believe I wouldn’t have reached my full potential. Therefore, I understand just how magical and life-changing a bursary scheme can be and I hope that many more boys in the future will be able to benefit from such a fantastic programme.
Ronit Kanwar (WS 2008-16)
Bursary Recipient
Ronit was Senior Prefect at Warwick School. He was actively involved in many aspects of
school life. In 2016 he won the Young Entrepreneur of the Year award at the Leamington Business Awards. He is currently studying Economics and Management at Keble College, Oxford.

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