Page 27 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 27

Step 1
Ignite Your Primal Powers
We come into this world like little bundles of enthusiasm, hooting and hollering, ready to take on anything. From that very first breath, our curiosity kicks in, trying to make sense of the world around us. It's like our built-in radar for figuring out what's going on. And you know what's fascinating? We quickly learn about feedback. You cry, and guess what? You get a response. It's like a cause and effect situation right from the get-go.
Picture this: you're lying there in the hospital nursery, surrounded by other newborns, and you start to realize something mind-blowing. When one-day old babies hear other babies cry, they start crying too. Can you believe that? Talk about empathy at an early age. It's like a natural-born ability to understand what others are going through. And that is just the beginning.
From the moment you're born, your imagination takes its first steps alongside you. It becomes your lifelong companion, ready to stir up dreams and explore things that your rational mind might not fully grasp. It's like this inner world of imagination becomes your playground, where you can roam free without any boundaries. You can create

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