Page 43 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 43

problems, but sooner or later increased helplessness and even depression are high prices to pay.
As we grow older, it becomes clear that we always have a choice in life. It's like this big neon sign flashing in front of us saying, “Hey, you're in charge!" When you start dodging those choices, you're actually choosing to let other people or circumstances call the shots.
Here's the thing about responsibility. It's all about being able to respond, to take control. The moment you start pointing fingers, blaming others, or making excuses for what’s going on in your life, you've just handed over the reins. You've given up your ability to respond.
When you start playing the blame game, that's it. You're stuck. You might not realize it right then and there, but you're stuck like a fly on flypaper. You have to grab that responsibility by the horns and steer it in the right direction.
Choices are like little magical nuggets. They're there for the taking, waiting for you to embrace them. Don't let other people or circumstances make your choices for you. Take control, respond to life's challenges. That's how you stay in the driver's seat.
“Sorry I’m late for work. It was the traffic/the weather/ my alarm!” No it wasn’t. You didn’t plan properly.
If you blame the traffic or the weather or your ex, what’s going to happen next time?

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