Page 46 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 46

!social extroversion”: the ability to speak up. This is an ability we were all born with! It"s just that some people don"t do it because they"re afraid to. Perhaps they"ve had !the rules” drummed into them growing up. !Don"t talk to strangers,” “Only speak when you are spoken to,” or !Stop asking so many questions!”
Hesitation and the inability to speak up are luxuries you cannot afford when you"re launching your new life. We may hesitate because we're afraid of what others will think or because we don't want to rock the boat, but if you hesitate when your finger is hovering over your blast-off button, remember that if you don't push it, you'll never know what could have been.
So how can we overcome these barriers and learn to speak up or take action without hesitating?
With the three-second rule.
2. Use the Three-Second Rule
The three-second rule can be applied in any situation where you're facing temptation or fear, such as eating unhealthy food, speaking up at work, or asking someone out on a date. The idea is that when you see someone you want to talk to, count “One, two, three,” then take immediate action, walk over and introduce yourself or make a comment or ask a question, without thinking or hesitating. The key is to make your move within three seconds. Don’t let your brain take over and start coming up with excuses.

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