Page 9 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
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a keynote speaker at forty-seven and a published author at forty-nine.
Others were doomed to failure: applying to be a fighter pilot at seventeen, opening a disco at twenty. I wrote a musical at forty-three and tried to franchise glamour shots for pets three years later. All were crazy, fun ideas but separated by one glaring fact: the ones that worked were done for the right reasons—passion and purpose. The others seemed like a great idea at the time but were done for all the wrong reasons—to make easy money or to just have fun.
Wake Up and Do Your Thing is an invitation to take ownership of your life and to live it on your own terms and be unapologetically yourself. "Wake up" is a rallying cry to open your eyes and your soul to the missed opportunities that have always been available to you. "Do your thing" suggests that each person has their own unique path to follow and their own way of contributing to the world. To enhance this pursuit, four important elements are needed: people, purpose, passion, and a project.
Let's talk about people. We humans, we're social creatures so the people you choose to surround yourself with make a big difference in your life. They can be your support system, your cheerleaders, your partners in crime. Having the right people around you, is like having a squad that's got your back. They inspire you, challenge your thinking, and lend a helping hand when you hit those pesky

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