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P. 206
Lesson 9: Causal Relationships
• Understand that relationships between variables are not necessarily causal. Lesson Narrative
The mathematical purpose of this lesson is understand that the relationship between variables can be, but is not always, a causal relationship. A causal relationship is one in which a change in one of the variables directly causes a change in the other variable. The work of this lesson connects to previous work because students interpreted the relationship between two variables using the correlation coe cient. The work of this lesson connects to upcoming work because students will analyze bivariate data and draw conclusions from their analysis.
When students determine that a relationship is causal relationship they are attending to precision (MP6) because they are re ning their language to be more precise.
Student Learning Goals
• Let’s get a closer look at related variables. 9.1 Used Car Relationships
Warm Up: 5 minutes
The mathematical purpose of this activity is for students to describe the relationship between variables using mathematical terminology including strong or weak relationship and positive or negative relationship. These terms were de ned in the previous lesson.
Instructional Routines
• Think pair share
What: Students have quiet time to think about a problem and work on it individually, and then time to share their response or their progress with a partner. Once these partner conversations have taken place, some students are selected to share their thoughts with the class.
Why: This is a teaching routine useful in many contexts whose purpose is to give all students enough time to think about a prompt and form a response before they are expected to try to verbalize their thinking. First they have an opportunity to share their thinking in a low-stakes way with one partner, so that when they share with the class they can feel calm and con dent, as well as say something meaningful that might advance everyone’s understanding. Additionally, the teacher has an opportunity to eavesdrop on the partner conversations so that she can purposefully select students to share with the class.
Unit 3
Lesson 9: Causal Relationships 139