Page 3 - Your Home and Mine June/July
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    Still Providing Services!
GLAA President: martha dryden, CAPS, AU Management
 Dear GLAA Members:
First, we are happy to announce that Christina Kessler has accept- ed a full-time position as the Administrative Executive at GLAA! We are thrilled to have her, and we look forward to all the great things she brings to the association!
We hope you are managing through these uncertain times and staying healthy! As with most of you, we are learning new ways to run our business (GLAA) while trying to maintain social distanc- ing. It has been a challenging time to say the least, but we are determined to provide our members with continued support and updates as they become available. We are in constant communi- cation with the Governor’s office through the Apartment Associa- tion of Kentucky and through our lobbyist, John McCarthy.
The GLAA councils, committees, and board of directors have continued to meet virtually, throughout the pandemic and will continue to do so, in an effort, to keep everyone safe and healthy.
As you may have noticed, we have joined in partnership with
the Louisville Apartment Association and the Bowling Green Apartment Association to offer various educational webinars
and training to our members through virtual platforms. Some of the most recent ones included three separate Fair Housing topics presented by our attorney, Stephen Marshall. Which, if you missed them, they are still available through a recorded version of the live webinar on the GLAA website at Fair Hous- ing CEC’s are included in these webinars. We have also provided maintenance training for the R410A certification, which, we plan to offer again if the near future. Our virtual training will continue June 18th as we present “Remote Leasing”, with National Speaker, Toni Blake! Then on June 25th the CoStar Group/ will present a webinar on “Industry Forecast”! If you’re
wondering how the state of the Industry is doing on a local, state, and national level, during the pandemic, then you need to join us as Brandon Frankel, Market Analyst for the CoStar Group shares this valuable information with us! Details and registration are available on the GLAA website.
GLAA is continuing to promote members through the “Member
of the Week Spotlight” on their Facebook page, which allows the members to introduce themselves and their company. They are also providing a monthly “Member Spotlight” on the GLAA website that highlights the company. One of their most recent member promotion is the “Virtual Vendor Minute Zoom Call”! Which kicked off on Thursday, June 4th and is featured on Facebook. Also, for new members, Christina has created a “New Members Post” on GLAA’s Facebook page as well as a listing under the “New Mem- bers for 2020” page on the website!
These are just a few ways we have learned to provide services to our members, and we hope to continue to add more services and benefits as we move through the pandemic. In the meantime, we would love for you to share your ideas and suggestions on how we can better serve our members. You may email brenda@greaterlaa. com with your ideas and/or suggestions.
Be safe and continue practicing social distancing so we can get rid of COVID-19 and be together once again!
Brenda J. Wells, CAM, CAS
GLAA Executive Driector
Martha Dryden
AU Management
2020 GLAA President

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